Booking A Stall
at Oughtibridge Gala
Thank you for considering Oughtibridge Gala to run your stall. Below is information regarding pricing and terms and conditions, if you are still interested in hiring a pitch at Oughtibridge Gala; a form is located at the bottom of this page for you to apply with.
If you have any questions regarding stall hire, please contact us.
Stall Prices
Oughtibridge Gala have a 2 tier system in place to hire stalls:
Tier 1. A 1.8 x 0.7m table, situated within a communal covered gazebo with other stall holders. 2 chairs and 1 table will be provided, this tier has no onsite car parking space. Cost of Stall: £30
Tier 2. A 5mx7m pitch located within the centre of the park in which to set up your own stand. No tables or chairs will be provided. Permission will be granted for one car to be parked withing your designated 5mx7m space. Cost of Stall: £45
The hire charge includes free admission for two people. All others will be expected to pay the normal admission fees.
Terms and Conditions
Please read carefully as you are agreeing to abide by the terms & conditions
when booking a stall / table / space at the Gala
1. Stalls are reserved on a first come, first served basis on receipt of payment.
2. Stalls may not be occupied before 9.30 am on the day.
3. All vehicles must be in the park by 11:00 am. All vehicle movements must then
4. Vehicles may be driven carefully across the park, ground conditions allowing, no
faster than 5mph and with hazard lights flashing, before 11:00am.
5. ONE vehicle may be parked to the rear of the stall, but in a manner that does not
restrict the access / allocated space of other stallholders. Failure to comply will
result in your being asked to remove your vehicle from the park. We politely ask
you to respect this request to ensure the safety of everybody.
6. Each stall holder and one assistant will be given free admission to Gala. All others
will be expected to pay the normal admission fees. Free admission is non-
7. All stalls / tables / spaces will be numbered. Stall holders must occupy only the
table, and/or space allocated to them by the Committee.
8. Stalls must remain open for business until at least 5.00 pm – weather permitting.
In the interest of safety, cars will not be allowed to enter or leave the park, without
permission from the designated committee member, before the Gala has been
declared closed.
9. Raffles, Tombola or games are not allowed unless specifically authorised
by the Committee. If you intend to run any games then you must give the details in
the space provided on the return slip and, if permitted, must adhere to what you
have described. If you then do something else on the day you may be asked to
10. Stalls selling food items, drinks and sweets for consumption in the park are not
allowed unless specifically authorised by the Committee. This includes giving
these items as prizes.
11. Stall offering face painting and/or temporary tattoo’s (including glitter tattoos) are
not allowed without permission from the Committee. Stalls found to be offering
these on the day will be asked to desist.
12. The selling of the following items are not allowed: Silly String, Fun Snaps. If you
are found selling these items, you will be asked to desist and remove said items
from sale.
13. Stallholders are asked to describe what they will be selling on the day. This is to
allow the Gala committee to try to avoid similar stalls being adjacent. It is
imperative that you supply an accurate description of all goods and activities; if
you then do something else on the day you may be asked to desist. The
Committee reserves the right to refuse an application to avoid duplication.
14. Refreshments will be available from approximately 11:00am for stall holders. This
is subject to the progress of the pavilion catering set-up. Continued.
15. Each pitch and table must be left tidy and litter free. A waste disposal skip will be
sited in the park and bags to contain litter will be provided. Failure to comply could
mean rejection from future Oughtibridge Gala Events
16. Admission to the event will only be allowed if fees have been received by the due
17. If you find yourself unable to attend the gala, you must inform the Gala committee
as soon as you are able. Refunds will only apply if notice is given 1 calendar
month prior to the date of gala and these will incur an administration fee of £10.
What happens next?
Once your completed form is received you will be contacted by email and asked to make payment to confirm your stall booking.
Payments are accepted via bank transfer. You will receive a receipt confirming we have received your payment
Closer to the event, you will be contacted again with details of the event, this will include a map to the event, as well as any site briefings that need to be communicated.